Helene Goldnadel
A recording artist, a song writer and much more

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The Importance of Scheduling Your Child's Homework Time by Helene Goldnadel

27 Nov 19 - 05:29

The new school year is right around the corner, which means that it's time to get you and your children back into your normal school routine. With the new school year comes all of that daily homework that your child will be bringing home. With that homework comes the battle between you and your child to get the homework finished on time every night. This is where the importance of scheduling your child's homework time comes into play. Here are a few reasons discussed by Helene Goldnadel a lif...
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Signs by Helene Goldnadel That Your Child Is Ready for School

22 Nov 19 - 05:36

As part of a child's normal developmental stages, she or he will reach a very important stage, which is getting ready for school. This is one of the major steps a child may encounter in his or her life. This is something big for them because this is the time where they now start to face the real world and separation from parents begins. This could be a crucial part for parents and also for the child.
When your child reaches 3 or 4 years of age, as parents, you will most probably prepare y...
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Educational Toys - Parents Are The Best

06 Oct 19 - 06:34

The human brain is an amazing thing and it starts soaking up information and learning the moment we are born. The first few years of life your new baby will grow and develop at an astonishing rate, they will transform from a totally helpless infant into a confident well accomplished 6 year old going off to school all by themselves.
Through the eyes of a child the world is an infinite scary place. It is a parent’s responsibility to provide their basic survival needs like food and water but...
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How to Choose Educational Videos for Children?

21 Sep 19 - 00:10

Today, videos have become a very popular means of entertainment among children of all ages. It isn't uncommon for children to spend much of their free time watching their favorite movies or television shows.
The first factor in choosing the right educational videos for children is to choose educational movies and shows that will match their interests. If you fail to keep a child's interests in mind, the child will be less likely to watch the videos you choose, and may easily become bored ...
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Why Writing for Children Is Enjoyable? Helene Goldnadel Explains

03 Sep 19 - 06:45

To be honest, writing for any genre should be enjoyable but writing for children seems to have extra appeal. Don't be fooled into thinking that writing for children is easy - it's not! There are strict guidelines and rules that have to be adhered to when writing for children but this should not diminish the fun and pleasure it can bring.
Writing for children can be enjoyable for many reasons; you can use your creative powers, you can allow your imagination to flow, you can recreate some o...
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Helene Goldnadel On Early Childhood Writing Activities

26 Aug 19 - 06:46

Many children begin writing or "play writing" well before they can read even the simplest words. Something about making letters and transcribing their own thoughts by putting pen to paper seems to trigger the imagination of the youngest learners. Here are three early childhood writing activities by Helene Goldnadel you can use to guide your child's writing enthusiasm and help develop their creative talents.
Write a Newspaper Story
Put on a reporter's cap and get the scoop! Start by re...
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Tips by Helene Goldnadel to Raising a Moral Child

07 Apr 19 - 04:42

Morality is a code of conduct in which one decides right from wrong. Knowing how to raise a moral child, especially in today's world, isn't always easy. You may want to follow some of these tips to teach your child this important character trait.
Although morality is often defined in terms of religion, it is much more than a religious concept. Morals are also defined by society, philosophy, and conscience. They are the center of how people make ethical decisions. It must all begin at home...
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Helene Goldnadel Plans to Help Your Child Lose Weight

03 Apr 19 - 04:58

Helping your child lose weight can be a difficult task. The last thing you want to do is find yourself in a power struggle with your child over what he or she does or does not eat. How you help your child trim down will depend on many factors. Helene Goldnadel discusses some of them below:
A first consideration will be your child's age. A very young child may not be aware that he or she is too heavy. You will want to have healthy lower calorie snacks available for the younger child. Check...
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Concerns You Should Have When Deciding on a Preschool for Your Child

31 Mar 19 - 03:58

Your little one is growing fast, starting to talk and developing a personality of his or her own. As they grow, you start to see them expressing intelligence, creativity, and other basic traits that will carry them through school, work, and personal life.

But first comes preschool. Sending your child to his or her first school is an exciting prospect - but also a nerve-racking one. What are the main things you need to consider before settling on an early learning facility for your child? H...
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Helene Goldnadel on Dealing with Child Separation Anxiety

26 Mar 19 - 04:17

Saying goodbye can be a hard thing for anyone to do, especially a small child. Infants learn at a young age to depend on their caregiver to provide them with everything they need, so what happens when that caregiver leaves? Here Helene Goldnadel is going to talk about child separation anxiety, the causes, and explain how to help a child who is having trouble with separation.
Child separation anxiety is defined as distress or agitation resulting from separation or fear of separation from a...
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