Helene Goldnadel
A recording artist, a song writer and much more

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Importance of Early Years in a Child's Life by Helene Goldnadel

28 Feb 19 - 05:54

Early years play a key role in brain development of children. They begin to learn about their surroundings at a very early age and their early experiences with their parents deeply affect their physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Optimizing early years in a child's life is the best investment one can make to ensure success in future of their children. Children are born ready to learn and are curious to know more everyday about the world around them.
Let us now understand what early years are- for some it means years from birth to 8 years, to others it means first three years of life. All these are critical period in children's life and our aim should be to provide ample of opportunities to them so that they learn and have fun during this phase. We need to have clarity that human development is complex and all elements are interconnected. Adults need to seek opportunities during this stage, and make a memorable childhood for them. This phase is considered as the most important and is marked as development of children's personality.
Early years mostly focuses on learning through play where play meets physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social needs. The curiosity and imagination in children automatically get stimulated this way. They learn more effectively and gain better knowledge through different activities. Children exposed to positive stimulating experiences in early years have more chances of excelling in school. These children have:
  • Enhanced cognitive, verbal and social development
  • Have higher IQ's
  • Tend to demonstrate higher levels in school achievement and adjust better in social gatherings.
  • They enter school better prepared, making it easy for them to learn at school.
Helene Goldnadel is of the view that spending some time with children in early years will reap fruits for them for their future. Parents will witness incredible leaps in skills knowledge and understanding that happens in first few years of their life. Health and physical well-being are the basis for all learning and development. It is tempting to step in and help your children, but this can lead to obstruction their learning by you taking over. Minimal assistance should be offered to them and letting them explore and discover solutions by themselves. The support provided in early years of children paves way to an individual's well- being throughout life. Small simple interactions with them have a huge impact which one cannot even imagine. One of the most important things they learn in early years is about themselves. They develop a picture of themselves on the way they approach to any situation or task.
For more info, visit here: https://abouthelenegoldnadel.wordpress.com/about/

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